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     CV Joint Replacement Tires


Cracks or tears in the boot can lead to CV joint failure, as can normal wear and tear. Signs of worn or damaged CV joints include lubricant leaks, clicking sounds during turning, clunks during acceleration or abrupt deceleration and front end vibrations. When you see these signs its best you get it repaired right away.


The types of services we offer is just about anything that needs to be fixed to get your car running again. Here are a few service that we offer that may intrigue you.  Also, take in mind that there are discriptions of the services below, it may not always end up as that being your problem with your vehicle. For more information on our other service you can give us call.


     Complete Computer Diagnostic


When you can't seem to find why your vehicle is acting up, performing a diagnostic test is an easy and affordable to find what may be causing the problem. From that point you decide what actions to take to repair what's broken.


     Brake Repair


Brake repair is quite simple. If you notice that it takes a considerable amount of time to come to a stop, or if it squeaks when braking too, that may mean you need to come in and get your brakes and rotors checked out.


     Tune- Ups


Doing a tune-up yearly, can extend the life of your car. If you don't do tune-ups most of your car's functions can slowly shut down and your car will lose most of its normal vibrancy that makes that vehicle run. So, taking that into mind a YEARLY checkup is a great idea.


     Oil Changes


You should generally get an oil change service every 3,000 miles, every 6 months, to maintain your fluids at the right level. If you don't get your oil changed like you're supposed to, the diluted oil can wear your engine and break it down. Its more essential then you think.


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